Automation FAQs

Frequently asked questions regarding automations

What are automations?

Automations are text and/or email messages that are set up to automatically go out to customers based on specific timelines in their customer life cycle. You can read more in depth here

Where can I set-up/edit my automations?

In Shopgenie of course! You can follow this step-by-step guide. 

What if I have automations with my prior CRM that I want to keep?

We will happily transfer your prior automation messages and timeline into Shopgenie prior to your launch! Just provide your login info and we'll take care of the rest. 

What automations are recommended?

We've compiled a list of automations that are recommended based on industry standard and best practices. Feel free to look them all over here!

When do messages go out to customers? 

All messages to customers follow our quiet hours guidelines. 

What to do about opt-ins and opt-outs?

Read out full article regarding opt-outs

What if I want to set up a custom service reminder?

Great! You can follow the instructions here!