Using call tracking

Learn how call tracking can help your shop understand which sources are driving leads to your shop.

The basics

A static call tracking number is a dedicated phone number that is used exclusively for tracking the performance of your marketing efforts. You use separate tracking numbers on your website, in online ads and on your mailers. When a customer calls that number, it forwards to your shop phone which allows you to track where the lead came from. Understanding where a lead came from will help you can make better decisions on where to invest your marketing budget for the best return.

Setting up a tracking number

You can setup a tracking number in less than a minute in Shopgenie. Navigate to your call center, then click on tracking numbers. You'll want to click "New number" where you'll be able to name and forward your new number. We automatically will find a number in your local area based on the forwarding number. 

  • Name your number after the source you want to track: "Shop website".
  • Copy and paste the number to use it, once activated.
  • Want to use an existing number? Ask our team about number porting.

Understanding your best marketing sources

From the call analytics area you'll have a view of your tracking number performance and which customers are calling your shop. This helps you evaluate which sources are performing well.


Total calls

This metric helps you answer the question "How many people called my shop over X amount of time?" which helps you understand if your campaigns are increasing or decreasing call volume over time.

Call status

This metric helps you answer the question "How often is my team answering calls from leads and visiting customers" which helps you understand if your team is capitalizing opportunities to schedule new appointments while balancing taking care of existing customers.

Call source breakdown

This table helps you breakdown call activity by call source. By filtering the date range at the top of the page you can answer a few questions using it:

  • Call source: "Where is this number being used?"
  • Total calls: "How many people called this number?"
  • First-time callers: "How many new leads called this number?"
  • Answer rate: "How much opportunity did my team take advantage of?"

Evaluating call quality

Now that you know which sources are performing well it's time to take a look at how those calls went between your team and customers. You'll want to navigate to the call recordings area and take a look at the available recordings.

At a glance, you'll see a call log full of recordings that you can use to evaluate call quality. Our scoring templates use AI to automatically rate call performance on a scale of 1-5. This means that you can more easily filter and curate good and bad calls to assess performance.

Tip: Use the filters above to easily find calls within specific score ranges like 1-3 stars.

Call playback

To listen to a call, just click the play button on the right side of the table. This will open the playback module which allows you to view a transcript along with more details about the call.

Tip: You can use the skip buttons to quickly move between calls in your list.

The call score provides details around why the score was earned. If you do not agree with a score you may consider editing the score template and changing the goals or phrasing of that goal for this call. These tools are here to help empower you with more feedback for your team and improve calls and bookings at your shop

Want to learn more about customizing your own score templates? Read about score templates.