How to use call scoring templates

Learn how to turn your goals for ideal calls into actionable feedback for your team.

What is a call score?

Call scores are a rating of 1-5 that helps you evaluate call performance at a glance and more quickly identify good and bad calls to listen to. Jasmine AI automatically scores your recorded calls against a set of call goals to calculate an estimated score.

Disclaimer: Jasmine AI may make mistakes. We recommend using this feature to curate calls to listen back to and evaluate with a trained ear.

Your call scores will appear in the call activity area with the call center.

The basics of scoring templates

We've done our homework and built good default templates for you to use out-of-the-box, however you may want to customize these to fit your needs. By navigating to the scoring templates area you can access our two base templates.

We recommend you only change these templates if there is a specific scoring criteria missing that you need since changes will apply to all your calls.

Leads template

This scoring template evaluates calls from customers without an open RO, meaning they are potential leads calling into your shop. You can configure the goals by clicking the settings icon and making adjustments.

Current visitors template

This scoring template evaluates calls from customers with an RO, meaning they have a vehicle at your shop. You can configure the goals by clicking the settings icon and making adjustments.

Want to learn more about call tracking and coaching. Read this article.