Video Walkthroughs of Shopgenie Features

Explaining and demonstrating various features related to your Online Booking Tool, Calendar, and User Notifications



Setting Up Services

Choosing the types of Services you will offer for booking online.

Calendar Overview

Walking through the simple functionality of the Shopgenie Calendar.

Calendar Blocking Feature

Describing how and why the Calendar Blocking feature can help to shut off your online booking.

User Management and Notifications

Walking through how each user can customize how they get notified for customer activity like a new appointment!

Customer Facing Online Booking Tool

Test driving the customer experience of booking services online.

Adjusting Waiter Settings

Walking through how to manage your online availability for "Waiters."

Service Groups

Explaining how one can use Service Groups for greater customization of your online booking availability.

Adjusting Advanced Availability Settings

Showing a feature that allows flexibility for tuning your shop availability differently per day.