How do Conversion/Revenue numbers work in Shopgenie Phones?

Learn how to find insights from your Call Analytics

Shopgenie Phones automatically reads appointment and repair order data from your Shop Management system, and combines it with your call data to give you unprecedented insights into your marketing and advisor effectiveness.

When a call comes in, we will wait up to 24 hours to see if an appointment comes in under that same customer name/phone number. If an appointment is created, we will link the appointment to that call. You'll see this represented with a checkbox under "Appt Created".

Then, after the appointment is linked to a Repair Order that gets posted/closed, we will attribute the revenue from that Repair Order to that call. This, of course, all happens in your shop management system.

You'll see this reflected in the "Call Analytics" tab of Shopgenie Phones:

  • "Conversion" represents the % of phone calls that resulted in an appointment
  • "Revenue" represents the $$$ in posted/closed RO's that came from calls to that specific tracking number.

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🚨TIP: Try clicking on the row headers in Call Analytics to sort by a metric!

You can utilize this to tell which of your tracking numbers are driving the most revenue, and highest quality calls.

For any questions, reach out to our in-app helpdesk or email!