Enabling Contact Card's

By enabling contact cards, Shopgenie will send your customers a contact card with your Shop's details.

What information is included, and where does the information come from? 

  • Shop's Name
  • Shop's Phone Numbers (Texting and Shop Line) 
  • Shop's E-mail
  • Booking Tool Link

All of this information is available to view in your settings tab! 

When will my customers receive this Contact card?  

Each Customer will receive this card one time via SMS, it will come as an additional message after their next appointment confirmation (this appointment can be scheduled through Shopgenie or your Shop Management system, as long as you have confirmations enabled for both. 

What does this contact card look like? 

It will come through to your customer as a native contact card, just like you shared a contact from your phone. 

How do I enable this for my shop? 

Just follow this guide!