All about Tasks

Learn how tasks can help you track what needs to be done in Shopgenie and delegate work as a team.

Getting started with tasks

Your task dashboard is a central place to find what needs to be done in Shopgenie. By default, if you have the Shopgenie call center setup you'll automatically see tasks for missed calls, but there is so much more to this.

What is a task

A task is "something you need to do to help grow your shop". You'll find that tasks are especially useful for calls you need to make, customers you need to message, and reminders for things that need to be done. Tasks will automatically pull up customer information, so you don't have to.

You can mark tasks complete or incomplete by clicking the dotted circle or checkmark, it's that simple.

Turn important campaigns into tasks

In some cases, you may want to personally handle an interaction with a customer where an automated messages just doesn't cut it. Good news, you can turn your automated campaigns into tasks that appear on your board when you need to do them. 

For example, you may want to handle follow-ups or review requests personally. Now you can just flip on "Add task" and set a time. 

You can enable automatic tasks for all your automations, except appointment confirmations and reminders.

Creating a custom task

When you need to set a reminder to follow-up with a customer you can use custom tasks to schedule a note for yourself or assign to a teammate. Trust us, it makes life a lot easier.